Master’s program in
First Master's program in Biophotonics in Russia taught in English
Interdisciplinary and is based on unique combination of optics and biomedicinestudies the most important problems of physico-chemical and molecular biology, as well as biophysical processes in complex molecular systems
Offered jointly by TSU and University of Oulu, Finland
The program is aimed to train highly qualified specialists in biophotonics which can analyze and predict the new directions for the development of the fundamentals ofimplement new developments in biophotonics and promising biotechnologies to in the physics of biomacromolecules, bioengineering, nanobiotechnology, visualization technology and physical methods of diagnostics of processes in the body, bioinformatics, medical biophysics, biophysical ecology, computer modeling of structures and functions of macromolecular, cellular, organism and ecological systems.
Core courses
- Optics of biotissues
- Fundamentals of biophysics
- Quantum chemistry
- Physics of intermolecular interactions
- Analysis of complex biophysical signals
- Non-linear methods in biophysics
- Visualization methods in biology and medicine
- Fundamentals of spectroscopy
- Biomedical laser technologies
- Neurophotonics
Short description of some courses
- Neurophotonics: study of basics of optogenetics, optical methods for recording neural activity, fiber optic technologies in neurophotonics
- Nonlinear methods in biophysics: study of methods of constructing and studying nonlinear models of physical phenomena in biophysics on the basis of synergetic approach and the concept of self-organization
- Fundamentals of Biophysics: theoretical knowledge of molecular biophysics and biophysics of complex systems
- Optics of biotissues: theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the study and description of optical phenomena in biological tissues and methods of optical tomography
- Visualization methods in biology and medicine: study of optical visualization methods

For more information, please contact the program coordinators.
Our professors
- Valery Tuchin V., Dr. habil.,, Professor, Head of the Department of Optics and Biophotonics in Saratov State University
- Leonid Kapilevich, Dr. habil, Head of the Department of Sport and Health Tourism, Sports Physiology and Medicine, TSU
- Victor Cherepanov, Dr. habil, Professor, Head of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy, TSU
- Yuri Kistenev, Dr. habil, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Biophotonics, Deputy pro-rector for scientific work
- Leonid Sinitsa , Dr. habil, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy, IAO SB Russian Academy of Sciences

Our partners

Saratov state university

University of Oulu

Siberian state medical university

V.E. Zuev institute of atmospheric optics

University of houston
Admission and application
Education: Bachelor’s or Specialist’s Degree
- Written exam in Physics
- Interview on the area of study (it is possible to use Skype)
Tuition fees
Year | Citizens of the Russian Federation and near abroad | Other International Citizens |
2017-2018 | 276 000 RUB | 276 000 RUB |

To participate in the interview, please fill out a registration form on the program website: http://cs.tsu.ru
Application deadlines for the citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS states in 2018 year
Application deadline | 3 April – 14 August |
Entry exams | 10 May – 16 August |
Application deadlines for International citizens in 2018
Application deadline | 15 January – 10 July |
Entry exams | 16 January – 26 July |
Career prospects
Graduates of the Master’s program in Biophotonics work at:
- Research institutes and organizations working in the field of biomedical and information technologies
- Industrial enterprises producing medical equipment
- Pharmaceutical companies
- High technology production companies
- Universities and Medical Schools
The need for specialists in this field is growing in Russia and abroad .
Average salary for Jobs Related to Biomedical Engineering
(Sourse: https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/bioengineering-masters-degree):

Program director:
Viktor Cherepanov
Doctor of Science in Physics
Full Professor, Head of the Department of Optics and Spectroscopy
+7 (3822) 529-640, +79234183702
Program coordinators:
Ekaterina Karlovets
PhD in Physics, Associate Professor
Eleonora Ilyasova
Junior researcher