Faculty of Psycology Master’s programme
“Practical Psychology of Personal Achievements”
- Qualification: Masterр
- Duration of the programme: 2 years
- Language of instruction: Russian
- Admission: April 3rd – August 14th
Relevance of the research area
Achivment studeis related to research of creative and innovative potential of a person. Focus on achievements (as opposed to the focus on success) generates more comfortable psychological atmosphere in creative team and start-up team.
Achievement studies are directly connected with development of creative communication of individual and team. Quality of this communication is related to knowledge transfer rate directly into the economy and positive team dynamics encourages effective commercialization of constructive ideas.
Unique features

The fourth industrial revolution demands using unstandard approaches for solving global environmental, psychological, technological, and transcultural problems

Training of a new type of spesialists,
who will be able to solve professional and interpersonal problems with a focus on the highest achievements and understanding of their purpose

Development of psycological potential
of a psychologist personality through intensive study of a wide range of modern psychological practices based on methods of active social and psychological training

Maximization of applied education
by developing integrated competences of professionalisms, skills and art in a psychologist’s work

Research activities and internship in the Laboratory for Rhythm-Synthesis
by using musical and fractal technologies for improving psychological potential of achievements throughout the period of study at master’s programme
Head of the programme

Valeriy I. Kabrin, Doctor of Psychology, professor at Department of Personality Psychology, Head of the University’s Laboratory for Psychological Practices.

Modern advanced research and educational areas

Research platform, musical equipment and rhythmic instruments,
software of fractal dynamics for experiments on improving mental capacity of individual achievements

Professional development
as ability to ensure initiating, directing, supporting participation in different business, social, cultural, educational, art, and other relevant projects
The master’s degree will allow students:
- To receive intense psychological experience in self-knowledge, self-control, self-development and self-realization
- To efficient realize their personal, collective, creative, and psychological potential
- To actively develop research and training of specialists for psychological transformation of socio-psychological factors for following effective fulfillment of an individual under changing life of any professional group, organization, and institution
- To train skills for super leaderships and distributed leadership as a effective methods of creative design
- To preventively solve problems related to professional adaptation and development of initiative and creative position of a practical psychologist in organization
Along with other factors, students will be able to:
- Receive advanced knowledge and skills in the mentioned areas
- Organize a study at their workplace (pilot projects, experimental platforms, testing, implementation, and others) and solve specific practical problems
- Continue their education as PhD students
Individual educational trajectories
The alignment of individual educational trajectories is achieved through
- elective courses
- practical training
- including students in research projects carried out in the Laboratory of Psychological Practices
- Volunteer activities
Internships for Master’s students take place on a competitive basis in a partner network organizations
Research area
Strategic motivation for achievements. Active methods of eidetic research, mental-creative and trans-communicative potential of the human. Group dynamics as a living space of actual achievements. Supervision of changes in creative potential of individuals and groups.
Main disciplines
- Methodological problems of psychology
- Statistical methods in psychology
- Qualitative and quantitative research methods in psychology
- Scientific schools and theories in modern psychology
- Branches of psychology and psychological practices
- Psychology of achievements’ potentiation
- Psychology of talent, creativity and genius
Variable Disciplines:
- Series of meetings: personal growth in group dynamics
- Psychological universum in the situation analysis
- Group supervision of professional and personal growth
- Psychology of creative communication
- Workshop on the psychology of creativity
- Technology of personnel professional capacity evaluation
- Psychology of communicative competence
- Psychology of involvement
- Workshop on the noetic psychology
- Communicative approach in psychology
- Methodology and technology of project activity
- History and Methodology of Science: general issues
Contact Information
Contact Information: 8, Moskovskiy trakt, Tomsk, 634050 Russia,
Tel: 8 (3822) 529899
E-mail: kabrin@list.ru
© 2017 Tomsk State University