
Accelerator are created within the framework of project «Development and approbation of the program for creating an infrastructure of supporting practice-oriented education by a cluster of companies in the field of digital technologies».

The goal of the project — to create a replicable model for organizing students’ project activities through the implementation of interdisciplinary educational programs at TSU together with corporate representatives in the field of digital technologies and to test the acceleration model at the Master’s Programs  of CAU “Institute of the Human of the Digital Era”.

CAU “Institute of the Human of the Digital Era” organizes work to cluster of companies in the field of digital technologies in Russia and the world (CAU Business Experts Club), carrying out project support for master`s student within the framework of research, training and work experience internships, also supporting CAU general activities (enrollment campaign , additional education, event-based activities: hackathons, additional education, workshops, etc.) on a long-term basis.

The project manager is Valeria Titova, Academic Office Manager of the SAE “Institute of the Human of the Digital Era“.