![Онлайн-курсы ТГУ стали победителями в спецноминациях на EdCrunch Award 2018 Онлайн-курсы ТГУ стали победителями в спецноминациях на EdCrunch Award 2018](https://pro-online.tsu.ru/upload/iblock/554/5545da2bf8a2b2b151f2eee6477436a5.png)
One of the largest conferences in Europe devoted to new educational technologies # EdCrunch 2018 began to work in Moscow. EdCrunch Award OOC is held during this conference, where developers from different countries present their best practices in creating video lectures. Winners of this year are scientists of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics with the online course “Introduction to parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI”, based at the Institute of Distance Education.
The course, immersing the user in the “parallel world”, became the winner of the EdCrunch Award in the nomination “Best online course as rated by сonsumers”. The most users voted for the online course created at TSU. The leader was chosen with the help of student voting, because this target audience is the main consumer in the field of online education. Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kotyukov handed in prize to the winner in the framework of the award ceremony.