A series of free educational shows from the educational project of TSU “Simply talking” start in Tomsk.
“Simply talking” is a project that is intended to tell a wide range of listeners in an understandable and accessible form about the most relevant areas of the development of science and society.
From the next week you will be able to attend educational shows “Simply talking”.
- April 9 at 19:00 – “SOCIAL ROBOTICS: ARE ROBOTS FRIENDS OF A MAN?”: Nadezhda Zilberman, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Informatics Problems, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, TSU
- April 10, at 19:00 – “VERBAL“ TRAPS ”: WHAT IS“ LANGUAGE MANIPULATION ”- AND HOW TO RELATE WITH IT?”: Agapova Nina Alexandrovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Philology, TSU
- April 12 at 19:00 – “CONFLICTS AND HOW TO MANAGE THEM”: Elena Nikolaevna Skavinskaya, Senior Lecturer of the Department.Faculty of Psychology at TSU
- April 13 at 19:00 – “PERSONAL BRANDING IN THE NETWORK”: Natalia Karnaukhova, Senior Lecturer at psychotherapy and psychological counseling Department, Faculty of Psychology, TSU
All events are held in the “Boiling point”, Lenin Ave. 26